Helping children achieve their highest!
Outside School Hours Care for Kinder - Year 6
To foster trusting and caring relationships between staff and families, and support parents as they balance work and family life.
Provide qualified, experienced and motivated educators who are responsive to children's interests and needs - and are there to guide, facilitate and support children's learning and development.
To provide a secure and safe setting
To provide as much teacher-parent contact for better understanding and student outcomes
Have a strong sense of identity
Peak Sports and Learning aims to teach children to demonstrate a capacity of self-regulation, negotiating and sharing behaviours by motivating and encouraging children to succeed when faced with challenges.
Integrate children with various special needs into our program and foster their learning in an inclusive way.
Be connected with and contribute to the world
Peak Sports and Learning aims to teach children to demonstrate awareness of connections, similarities and differences between people and how to react in positive ways by encouraging children to listen and to respect diverse cultures.
To develop and encourage social, sporting and literacy based skills with children.
Have a strong sense of wellbeing
Peak Sports and Learning aims to teach children to show self-regulation and manage emotions in ways that reflect the feeling and needs of others by showing care, understanding and respect for all children.
Respect the choices and decisions made by each child, and value the differences each individual brings to our community.
Be confident and involved learners
Peak Sports and Learning aims to teach children to use reflective thinking to consider why things happen and what can be learnt from these experiences by encouraging children to communicate and make visible their ideas and theories, collaborate with children and model reasoning, predicting and reflecting process and language.
Provide opportunities for children to learn through social interactions, and develop and build strong meaningful relationships with carers and their peers.
To get children interested and involved in sports.
Have fun and make new friends!
Be effective communicators
Peak Sports and Learning aims to teach children to convey and construct messages with purpose and confidence, including conflict resolution and following directions by modelling language and encouraging children to express themselves through language in a range of contexts and for a range of purposes including leading and following directions.
In conjunction with adhering to the National Quality Framework the My Time Our Place document gives us wonderful strategies and guidelines regarding our educational programming. Click on the icons above for more info.
ACECQA: As an approved outside school hours care provider, Peak Sports and Learning must adhere to policies, procedures and guidelines put in place by ACECQA. Click on the tabs for more info